Room temperature superconducting technology? "If superconductivity is so easy to make, then let everyone make steel in their own way"Aug 03, 2023ReadingThe world's first reproduction of Korean room temperature superconducting maglev? What did the Huazhong University of Science and Technology experiment video release?Aug 02, 2023ReadingThe results of the first batch of repeated experiments of LK-99: three papers, two from China, did not reproduce superconductivityAug 01, 2023Readingfarce? The United States "see another room temperature superconductor on Monday" company released a new map, no dataAug 01, 2023ReadingAnother room-temperature superconductor? A U.S. company wants to compete with South Korea for "superconducting" materials, saying see you on MondayJul 31, 2023ReadingInterview|Wen Haihu talks about "Korean room temperature superconductivity paper": it is not enough to prove superconductivity, and the experiment is being repeatedJul 28, 2023ReadingFake data! The superconducting physicist faces yet another retractionJul 27, 2023ReadingSubmitted to "Nature" and published within two months, NTU's Wen Haihu team overturned the research on room temperature superconductivity in the United StatesMay 13, 2023ReadingEconomic Daily: A rational look at the "room temperature superconductivity" stormMar 26, 2023ReadingXinhua News Agency: Is the research on room temperature superconductivity a "historic breakthrough" that will win the Nobel Prize?Mar 13, 2023Reading