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The paper was published without the consent of the head of the laboratory, and a research paper by a researcher from the School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials of Heilongjiang University as the corresponding author was voluntarily withdrawn.
On August 21, Chemical Communications, a peer-reviewed international academic journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, published a retraction statement online, saying that because the principal investigator (PI) who directed the relevant research had no knowledge or consent A paper was submitted and published under the circumstances, and the author requests to withdraw the paper involved. Chemical Communications executive editor Richard Kelly agreed to the retraction.
The corresponding author of the aforementioned paper is Wu Hao, and his signing unit is the Key Laboratory of Functional Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials, Heilongjiang University.
Another signed author of the paper is Yuting Luan, and its signed unit is the School of Food Engineering, Harbin University.
On the 23rd, The Paper called the School of Chemistry and Materials Science of Heilongjiang University and the School of Food Engineering of Harbin University, but no effective reply was received.
According to the public information, Wu Hao is a 2016 doctoral student majoring in inorganic chemistry at Heilongjiang University. He is currently a teacher at the School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials at Heilongjiang University. Research on applications in the fields of gas/electrochemical sensing and electrocatalysis.
The title of the paper involved is "Achieving near-Pt hydrogen production on defect nanocarbon via the synergy between carbon defects and heteroatoms" (Achieving near-Pt hydrogen production on defect nanocarbon via the synergy between carbon defects and heteroatoms), in Published online January 20, 2023. According to the paper, the synergistic effect of vacancy defects and phosphorus doping on nano-carbon hydrogen evolution reaction (HER, Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, hydrogen reduction reaction) was revealed for the first time through experiments and theory, and the prepared catalysts showed close to the best among metal-free catalysts - HER activity of platinum.
However, due to the publication of the paper without the approval of the head of the laboratory, the aforementioned paper was voluntarily withdrawn by the corresponding author Wu Hao and others 7 months after publication.
Link to the paper involved: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/CC/D2CC06895H
Link to withdraw statement: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/CC/D3CC90275G