

    Nine Key Words Interpretation of Science Popularization in the New Era: Master the Power of Science and Technology Interpretation, and Promote the Development of the Science Popularization Industry

    · The "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Popularization of Science and Technology in the New Era" is a programmatic document to guide the popularization of science and technology at present and for a period of time in the future.

    On August 25, 2022, in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, children experience popular science exhibits in the Science and Technology Museum. People's Vision Data Map

    According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on September 4, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Popularization of Science and Technology in the New Era" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions").

    Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology, said that the issuance of the "Opinions", the Party Central Committee and the State Council put forward new and clear requirements for popular science work in the new era, is a major opportunity to promote the innovative development of popular science in the new era. Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the China Association for Science and Technology, said that the "Opinions" is another important document following the "Outline of Action Plan for National Scientific Literacy (2021-2035)" issued by the State Council in June 2021.

    Science and Technology Daily published an article by commentators on September 5 that the "Opinions" had pointed out the direction. The "14th Five-Year Plan for the Popularization and Development of National Science and Technology" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), which was previously announced on August 16, listed A map of the tasks for the next few years.

    Surging Technology interprets this programmatic document of popular science work in the new era from the perspective of nine key words.

    1. Popularization of science and technology

    The "Opinions" begins with a clear meaning. Popularization of science, the full name of "science and technology popularization", is an activity for the country and society to popularize scientific and technological knowledge, promote scientific spirit, disseminate scientific ideas, and advocate scientific methods. It is an important basic work for realizing innovation and development.

    Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has made important instructions for popular science work many times. At the "Three Sessions of Science and Technology" in 2016, he emphasized that "scientific and technological innovation and scientific popularization are the two wings of realizing innovation and development. Scientific and technological innovation is equally important”; at the 2020 Scientist Symposium, it was emphasized that “the guidance and cultivation of scientific interests must start from children”; at the 2021 Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the 10th National Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology. , "to form a fashion of advocating science, so that more young people have scientific dreams and establish innovative aspirations."

    According to a report by Science and Technology Daily on September 5, Wang Zhigang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said in an interview that the "Opinions" is a programmatic document guiding the popularization of science and technology at present and for a period of time in the future. Technological innovation work.

    2. Science Popularization and Technological Innovation

    General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "scientific and technological innovation and scientific popularization are the two wings to realize innovation and development, and scientific popularization should be placed in an equally important position as scientific and technological innovation."

    Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology, said that the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is oriented towards the overall situation of modernization, and has placed scientific and technological innovation to an unprecedented height. Science popularization is an important part of the national innovation system, and promoting the high-quality development of science popularization is an inevitable requirement for the full implementation of the innovation-driven strategy. The "Opinions" insist that science popularization is as important as scientific and technological innovation, deepen the understanding of the "two-wing theory", promote the coordinated development of scientific popularization and scientific and technological innovation, and promote the formation of a new era of scientific popularization and scientific and technological innovation. good situation.

    The first is to strengthen the strategic mission in the direction of science popularization development. It is emphasized that science popularization work in the new era should focus on the "four aspects" and high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, and comprehensively promote the supply-side reform of science popularization.

    The second is to give full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in popular science work. Emphasis on self-reliance and self-improvement of high-level science and technology, vigorously promote the popularization of science and technology resources, increase the opening of qualified science and technology infrastructure and science and technology innovation bases to the public; strengthen the connection and systematic deployment of science and technology work in the organization and implementation of national science and technology plans; actively Use popular science methods to publicize the key directions of national science and technology development and science and technology innovation policies.

    The third is to play the role of popular science in promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Focus on strategically oriented basic research and cutting-edge technology and other key areas of scientific and technological innovation to carry out targeted science popularization. Promote the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements demonstration zones, high-tech industrial development zones, etc., build a platform for popularization of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

    According to the development goals set in the "Opinions", by 2025, the "institutional arrangement" that is as important as science popularization and technological innovation in my country will basically be formed.

    3. The concept of big science and the pattern of big science

    The "Opinions" clearly stated in the "job requirements" that the concept of large science popularization should be established; in the "development goals", it was clearly stated that by 2025, the formation of a large science popularization pattern with the participation of the whole society will be accelerated.

    According to a report by Science and Technology Daily on September 5, Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the China Association for Science and Technology, Vice Chairman in Charge of Daily Work, and First Secretary of the Secretariat, said in an interview that the "Opinions" emphasizes the establishment of the concept of science popularization, and plans for science popularization for the new era as a whole. High-quality development has a clear path. Big science strengthens the responsibility of the party committee and the government, science and technology associations, schools and scientific research institutions, enterprises, media and other subjects, emphasizes collaborative linkage and resource sharing, and builds a social science popularization development pattern promoted by the government, society, and the market. Popularization runs through all aspects of the entire process of economic and social development.

    Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology, said that in order to build a large-scale science popularization work pattern featuring government guidance, social participation, informatization support, and market-oriented operation, the "Opinions" mainly focus on three aspects:

    First, continue to improve the system of laws and regulations on popular science, and strengthen the overall coordination of popular science work. Actively promote the revision of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Popularization of Science and Technology. Effectively give full play to the role of the mechanism of the joint conference on popular science, and build a national "one game of chess" popular science work system in which the central government and the departments are linked up and down. According to Li Meng, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, at a press conference of the State Council Information Office on the morning of September 5, the joint meeting mechanism for popular science work is led by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Central Propaganda Department, and the China Association for Science and Technology, with more than 40 departments participating.

    The second is to continuously strengthen the main responsibility of key departments. The "Opinions" make clear requirements for 6 key departments of popular science work: it emphasizes that party committees and governments at all levels should fulfill their leadership responsibilities for popular science work, incorporate popular science work into national economic and social development plans, and put it on the important agenda, and coordinate deployment with scientific and technological innovation. Advance; require all competent departments of the industry to fulfill the responsibilities of science popularization administration, science and technology administrative departments at all levels should strengthen overall planning and coordination, strengthen science popularization planning and supervision and inspection; science and technology associations at all levels should play the role of the main social force in popular science work, strengthen the function of popular science work, Provide science popularization decision-making consulting services; various schools and scientific research institutions should strengthen their awareness of responsibility for science popularization work, give full play to their own advantages, and increase the supply of science popularization resources; enterprises should fulfill their science popularization responsibilities and promote science popularization work and scientific and technological research and development, product promotion, innovation and entrepreneurship, and skills training Various types of media should play an important role as communication channels, mainstream media should play an exemplary and leading role, increase scientific and technological publicity, and increase the content of popular science.

    The third is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of scientific and technological workers and citizens. The "Opinions" call on citizens to actively participate in popular science activities, take improving scientific quality, mastering and applying scientific and technological knowledge as important content of lifelong learning, and consciously resist pseudo-science, anti-science and other undesirable phenomena.

    4. Citizen Science Quality

    According to the development goals set in the "Opinions", by 2025, the proportion of Chinese citizens with scientific literacy will exceed 15%, and the atmosphere of the whole society loving science and advocating innovation will become stronger; by 2035, the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy will reach 25%, The soft power of science and culture has been significantly enhanced.

    According to Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the China Association for Science and Technology, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of my country, citizens' scientific literacy has improved rapidly, and the proportion of Chinese citizens with scientific literacy has increased from 6.2% in 2015 to 10.56% in 2020.

    Among them, the "Opinions" once again emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the popularization of leading cadres and civil servants. Increase the proportion of popular science content in cadre education and training, strengthen the learning of cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge and global scientific and technological development trends, and improve the scientific performance of leading cadres and civil servants.

    In the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Science and Technology Popularization and Development Plan announced on August 16, it also emphasized that the cultivation of scientific spirit and scientific thinking should be emphasized, and the ability of leading cadres and civil servants to grasp the laws of scientific development should be enhanced.

    V. Right to Interpret Science and Technology and Scientific Review

    The "Opinions" make it clear that it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of public opinion in the field of science popularization, adhere to the correct political position, and strengthen the construction and supervision of public opinion positions in the field of science popularization; enhance the awareness of risk prevention and control in the field of science popularization and the concept of national security, establish a public opinion guidance mechanism in the field of scientific and technological innovation, and grasp the power of scientific and technological interpretation; resolutely Get rid of feudal superstition, oppose pseudoscience and anti-science, and crack down on activities such as smearing and slandering in the name of popular science. In the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Science and Technology Popularization and Development Plan announced earlier, it is also emphasized that "strengthening the guidance of popular science value and firmly grasping the right to explain science and technology".

    The "Opinions" also mentioned the need to "strengthen the scientific review of dissemination content such as popular science works".

    Regarding "scientific review", the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Science and Technology Popularization and Development Plan has a more detailed description: "Strengthen the guidance of public opinion in the field of popular science. Rely on authoritative experts to explore and establish a scientific review mechanism for popular science information. Rectify network communication In the name of popular science, China deceives the masses, disrupts society, and affects stability, refutes pseudoscience and rumors, and purifies the ecology of online popular science. Resolutely breaks down feudal superstition, resists pseudoscience and anti-science, and cracks down on slander and ideology under the guise of popular science. Erosion activity."

    The "Planning" also clearly proposes to build an all-media science communication matrix. Guide the central, local and major industry news media to participate in the creation and reporting of popular science, promote the establishment of popular science columns in important time periods or important pages of radio, television, news media platforms, and comprehensive newspapers and periodicals, and create a group of popular popular science brand columns. Make full use of cable television network resources to carry out popular science services, and improve the effectiveness of popular science in schools and families. Vigorously develop online science popularization, give full play to the advantages of new online media, such as fast dissemination, strong interaction, and wide coverage, and support the creation of popular science content and the construction of dissemination carriers that adapt to the characteristics of new media. Encourage and support popular science through new media network platforms by means of short videos, live broadcasts, etc., and cultivate a group of online popular science brands with strong social influence. Create a cluster of popular science journals with market competitiveness, and cultivate world-class science journals. Explore new forms of popular science dissemination, attach importance to the development of new forms of dissemination such as popular science explanations, scientific demonstrations, and scientific talk shows to enhance the effect of science dissemination.

    Li Meng, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, said on the morning of September 5 that to create a forum for popular science with international influence, a forum with international influence is very important to enhance the international influence of China's popular science; it is also necessary to support great scientists to teach popular science and support foreign countries. Scientists speak science.

    6. Global Science Popularization

    The "Opinions" emphasize the need to strengthen grass-roots popular science services. It is proposed to "rely on comprehensive service facilities in urban and rural communities, actively mobilize schools, hospitals, research institutes, enterprises, social organizations, etc., to extensively carry out grass-roots science popularization activities with scientific and technological volunteer services as an important means. Establish and improve cross-regional science popularization cooperation and sharing mechanisms, encourage In areas where conditions permit, carry out all-area action, all-regional coverage, all-media dissemination, and all-people participation and sharing."

    Science and Technology Daily published an article by a commentator on September 5, arguing that it is necessary to deeply realize that science popularization is not the self-entertainment of a certain person, a certain unit, or a certain field. options”, but a “must-answer” that requires the participation of the whole society to integrate into various fields of economic and social development.

    7. Professional title evaluation and employment of full-time science workers

    The "Opinions" mentioned that it is necessary to reasonably formulate the professional title evaluation and employment standards for full-time science popularization workers in the process of expanding the team of science popularization talents. The "Opinions" also pointed out that the policy environment for the development of science popularization talents should be optimized, the career development channels of science popularization workers should be unblocked, and professional identity should be enhanced; and the construction of science popularization think tanks should be promoted.

    8. Science popularization industry

    The "Opinions" clearly put forward the need to "promote the development of the science popularization industry": cultivate and expand the popular science industry, and promote the integrated development of science popularization and culture, tourism, sports and other industries; promote the market-oriented reform of popular science public services, introduce a competition mechanism, encourage the establishment of science popularization enterprises, increase Provide large-scale high-quality science popularization products and services; encourage leading science and technology enterprises to increase investment in science popularization, promote the organic combination of scientific and technological research and development, market promotion and popularization; strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights of popularization achievements.

    In the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Science and Technology Popularization Development Plan announced earlier, it was proposed to "promote the market-oriented development of science popularization". Specifically, it includes: cultivating professional and market-oriented science popularization institutions. Encourage the establishment of science parks and enterprise alliances. Explore and formulate technical standards and specifications related to popular science products and services, and improve the supply capacity of high-quality products and services. Guide various popular science institutions to develop, apply and promote popular science exhibitions, films, books, animations, toys, games, and popular science tourism products, as well as new popular science media, to serve the growing demand for quality, personalized and customized science popularization among the public in the new era . Encourage the holding of popular science product expositions and trade fairs, and build a trading platform for popular science products and services. Encourage the development of value-added services such as science popularization parent-child activities, customized explanations, and scientific tour guides, and promote the coordinated development of popular science public welfare and marketization.

    9. Science popularization funds are included in the financial budget of the same level

    The "Opinions" clearly proposed to build a diversified investment mechanism in strengthening institutional guarantees. Party committees and governments at all levels must ensure investment in science popularization, and include funds for science popularization in the financial budget of the same level. Encourage the development of science popularization by purchasing services, subsidizing projects, and substituting awards for subsidies. Encourage and guide social funds to invest in popular science through the construction of popular science venues, the establishment of popular science funds, and the development of popular science activities. Formulate policies and measures to encourage social forces to set up popular science programs in accordance with the law.

    According to Li Meng, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, at a press conference of the State Council Information Office on the morning of September 5, the government still accounts for the majority of the funding for popular science. The expenditure is only 17 billion yuan, and the difference is relatively large. Among the 17 billion yuan, the government allocated about 13.8 billion yuan, accounting for 80%.


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